Frequently Asked Questions about how to prepare for your recording, mixing or mastering session
How do I prepare my music for mastering?
for mastering the preferred format of files are:

  • ≥24bit  ≥44.1kHz (up to 192kHz) .wav or .aif audio files
  • do NOT use any master bus compression or brickwall limiting for your final mix !
  • leave a comfortable amount of headroom ( -3db to -10db )
  • delivery of files on data CD/DVD/HD/Flashdrive or here via upload.
  • provide a list of the running order of the tracks on the CD. if you don’t have one, we can help creating it!
  • provide the ISRC codes and EAN Barcode if you have them.
  • fill out the information for the CD text meta data in this document.
How do I prepare my multi tracks for mixing?
for mixing multi track files the preferred format of files are:

  • ≥24bit  ≥44.1kHz (up to 192kHz) stereo or mono .wav or .aif audio files
  • all tracks have to be Zero-aligned, meaning starting at the same point in time at the same bar.
  • provide tempo information (bpm).
  • do NOT process the tracks with EQ, Compression or Reverb for bouncing/mixdown. Just the raw, recorded tracks.
  • Clearly label each track according to it’s content. (e.g. BD_inside, SN_top, BV_Lady Gaga_1, Git_acou_2, etc.)
  • leave a comfortable amount of headroom for each track ( -3db to -10db ) Aim at 0db VU.
  • delivery of files on data CD/DVD/HD/Flashdrive or here via upload.
What is an ISRC code and where can i get them?
What is the ISRC?
The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is the international identification system for sound recordings and music video recordings. Each ISRC is a unique and permanent identifier for a specific recording which can be permanently encoded into a product as its digital fingerprint. The ISRC provides the means to automatically identify recordings for royalty payments and, in many territories, is increasingly becoming a tool in the fight against piracy.

By identifying all sound and music video recordings that are released, regardless of the format that they are released in, the ISRC enables the tracking and tracing of these recordings through the music value chain.
ARIA recommends that all music producers, both ARIA members and non-members, use the ISRC.

How do I get one?
ARIA is the Australian International Standard Recording Code national agency, and allocates the Country and First Owner Codes for encoding on all audio and audio-visual recordings, as a method of identification.

For more information about the ISRC system, or to apply for an ISRC for your recordings, email or download the ISRC Handbook insert link from this page.

ISRC codes are also provided by aggregators like CD Baby or Tunecore.

What is a Barcode (EAN/UPC code) and where can i get them?
A UPC (Universal Product Code) or EAN (International Article Number) is a unique code used to identify a product, such as an album, single or ringtone.

They are available through aggregators like CD Baby or Tunecore.

If you have one already it is important to enter it into the Meta-Data of your CD-Master.

How can I upload my files?
there are two easy and free ways:



Frequently asked questions

CD text info form

Click to download

this downloads a Word doc to your computer

ISRC handbook